Thursday, November 27, 2008

How To Build A Good Balsa Wood Bridge

experiments in the world of cooperative housing project

Throughout our research and / or meetings, we have discovered structures that were considered, invested in and advanced the field of citizen participation in their habitat.

In this post, we just wanted to reference purposes. Obviously we can not be exhaustive ... Readers of this message to notify us of any interesting experiences.

  • Our neighbors have developed over several years the concept of cooperative participation. Some explanations on the site of CODH
  • In Rhone-Alpes, HABICOOP defends the concept of cooperative and people working on the installation of concrete operations. See site HABICOOP
  • AERA (Action research studies in architecture) develops an innovative form of housing cooperatives with a social and participatory. View site AERA
  • experience building management, involving local residents: The CLIP. View presentation document CLIP

team Haute-Savoie Habitat

Symptons Of The Black Death


We subscribe today in this project is to involve more people in a building in their mode of living.

We initiate this process, which aims proactive and innovative with several lines of inquiry :

  • In the area of rental.
    In our upcoming deliveries of new buildings, the tenants are meeting a few months before delivery of their building (once the commission has designated the award). We will present the building and its features and will strive for a collective dynamics involving tenants into place.

  • In the area of home ownership.
    Again, we will promote the collective momentum within the building. New ways to access the property looming (Accession progressive lease purchase option ...). Like what we have done in our operations PSLA (Ready for Rent Social Accession), we study the feasibility of this type of arrangement to allow home ownership to more households.

  • And more broadly,
    We want to initiate calls for applications to identify, the earliest possible stage of operations, if the constitution of a group of future residents is possible. The aim is to involve this group of people to design their habitat and empower them to identify ways of managing their future place of residence and to move towards systems live united and cooperative . It
    problalement in this area that we will innovate and we must find new paths.

We plan to launch soon call for applications ....

team Haute-Savoie Habitat

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things To Write On A Co-worker Wedding Card

A charter for sustainable development

charter sustainable development in which we are committed comprises several axes.

new operations that we perform take into account the constraints and technical requirements related to sustainable development.
Above all, the purpose of environmental compliance are safeguards to ensure that the inhabitants of our buildings are loads of their habitat diminished.

Some of our new rental operations are "labeled" THPE (very high energy efficiency) and Minergie ( ).

house "The Laundromat" at Metz-Tessy (74)
Rental in Very High Energy Performance

We have to advance in the field of participation of people to their way of living .

team Haute-Savoie Habitat

Fastest Way To Bend Balsa

Why this blog?

This blog is created at the initiative of the Office Public Housing Haute-Savoie (OPAC 74 ) as the housing involved the territory of Upper Savoy.

Our organization develops housing operations in both the rental sector in the area of home ownership.
Like all HLM organizations in France, we operate under a mission of general interest: housing for all households, especially for households that are farthest from the access housing.

A presentation of the OPH 74 is possible by visiting our website:

For several years, we are engaged in advocating an approach
sustainable development. Beyond
proactive approaches in the areas of new building construction and management of existing buildings, we hope that this commitment is also to give us the means to involve more than we do the inhabitants of the buildings in management and organization of their lifestyles.

A track could be to promote cooperative modes inhabitants and this, as far upstream as possible of our real estate transactions.

Like what happens in other territories, including in neighboring Switzerland ( ) - we say that this type of project may be feasible in Haute-Savoie ...

This blog simply allows us to engage with all those who, near or far, are susceptible to this approach.
your comments, your feedback will help us move forward on a topic that we want: the involvement of people for real estate transactions that we realize.
Perhaps this blog will allow us to bring together people willing to invest in the cooperative design of their future home.

team Haute-Savoie Habitat