Monday, February 2, 2009

Small Sized Trebuchet Blueprints

future tenants will choose certain equipment and services


OPAC of the Haute Savoie will soon deliver on the town of the first rental building Epagny labelized MINERGIE department.
In June, 15 families will take possession of their homes in a particular building is a little ... estimated consumption: 42 kW / m² / year!
To achieve this level of the building energy performance has been isolated from the outside, he enjoys a double-flow ventilation, photovoltaic panels provide part of the production of hot water and balconies are separated from the structure.
Living in harmony in such a building requires a good knowledge of these facilities is one reason why the housing allocations were made well in advance. We will have to "train" the future occupants of the demanding project in terms of ecology and sustainable development.
is an opportunity for the agency to go further in the relationship with its customers.
The basic idea is the integration and active participation of residents, they will be able to choose the flooring and upholstery of their homes but also public areas. The treatment of outdoor as private gardens and public areas will be decided jointly.
Finally, the operating budget of the building will be developed with the OPAC services primarily concerned with cost control. Tenants will choose the benefit level and the frequency response of companies in charge of maintenance, if they choose not to perform certain services themselves!
continued ...


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